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The Real L Word: American Reality TV Series on Showtime

The Real L Word: Los Angeles is an American reality television series aired on the cable station Showtime, where it premiered on June 20, 2010. The show was created by executive producer Ilene Chaiken and Magical Elves Productions, following the success of the television drama The L Word. The Real L Word follows a group of six lesbians in their daily lives in Los Angeles.
With a successful first season, Showtime has commissioned a second season, where there will be many new faces and a few recurring ones. Season 2 debuted on June 5th, 2011
Showtime revealed in a sneak peak video on April the 25th 2011 that the only person from the season one main cast to make a return was Whitney Mixter along with Romi Klinger who, although featured in season one, is now a main cast member.
The Real L Word Season 2 Episode 5 airs: Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 10:00pm EDT on Showtime. Synopsis of the episode: Whitney is ready to move on; Kacy and Cori go to their first appointment; Romi evaluates her relationship with Kelsey.