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Leverage: American TV Drama Series on TNT
Leverage is an American television drama series on TNT that premiered in December 2008. The series is produced by director/executive producer Dean Devlin's production company Electric Television. Leverage follows a five-person team of professional thieves, computer experts and con artists, headed up by former insurance investigator, Nathan Ford, who use their skills to right corporate and governmental injustices inflicted on common citizens.
The first season of Leverage consists of 13 episodes, which writers John Rogers and Chris Downey and producer Dean Devlin intended to be a complete story should the series not be renewed. The second season, for which production moved from Los Angeles to Portland, Oregon, ran in two parts: a nine-episode summer season which premiered on July 15, 2009, followed by a further six episodes the following winter. Leverage moved to Sunday for its third season, which began June 20, 2010.
On July 30, 2010, it was announced that Leverage has been renewed for a fourth season. It premiered on June 26, 2011.
Leverage Season 4 Episode 2 (The 10 Li'l Grifters Job) airs: Sunday, July 3, 2011 at 9:00pm EDT on Turner Network TV. Synopsis of the episode: When a mark is killed during a sting, the team races to complete the con and find the killer.