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Ugly Americans: American Animated TV Series on Comedy Central
Ugly Americans (sometimes advertised as The Ugly Americans) is an American animated television series developed by David M. Stern and created by Devin Clark. The series focuses on Mark Lilly, a social worker at the Department of Integration, in an alternate reality version of New York City with monsters and other creatures. The series is currently in production of season 2. Daniel Powell serves as Executive Producer and Aaron Augenblick is Supervising Producer and Animation Director.
Ugly Americans premiered on March 17, 2010 on Comedy Central. The series is based on an original idea by Devin Clark, which was later developed by former The Simpsons writer David M. Stern. It was picked for seven episodes in May 2009 and renewed for an additional seven episodes to air in October 2010. The show's second season is set to premiere on June 30, 2011. The cast includes Matt Oberg as Mark Lilly, Kurt Metzger as Mark's zombie roommate Randall Skeffington, Natasha Leggero as Callie Maggotbone, Mark's demon boss and "office fling", Randy Pearlstein as wizard Leonard Powers, Michael-Leon Wooley as Twayne Boneraper, a demonic bureaucrat, and Larry Murphy as Frank Grimes, a law-enforcement officer.
The series features a stark, flat visual style which Variety's Brian Lowry noted "vaguely resembles the EC Comics of the 1950s.
Ugly Americans Season 2 Episode 1 (Wet Hot Demonic Summer) airs: Thursday, June 30, 2011 at 10:30pm EDT on Comedy Central. Synopsis of the episode: Twayne and the demons try to infiltrate a secret wizard compound by building a summer camp in 24 hours with Mark Lilly as the head counselor.
Ugly Americans