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Royal Pains: USA Network Television Series
Royal Pains is a USA Network television series that premiered on June 4, 2009, starring Mark Feuerstein as a young emergency room doctor who, after being wrongly blamed for an important patient's death, moves to the Hamptons and becomes a reluctant "doctor for hire" to the rich and famous. When the administrator of the local hospital asks him to treat the town's less fortunate, he finds himself walking the line between doing well for himself and doing good for others. The series is based in part on actual concierge medicine practices of independent doctors and companies. On September 27, 2010, Royal Pains was renewed for an 18-episode third season.
Royal Pains Season 3 Episode 1 (Traffic) airs: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 9:00pm EDT on USA Network. Synopsis of the episode: HankMed saves the passengers of a toppled Jitney; Divya deals with the fallout from her broken engagement; Jill returns with news.
Royal Pains Season 3 Episode 3 (Rash Talk) airs: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 9:00pm EDT on USA Network. Synopsis of the episode: Best friends worry about their line of house-cleaning products.
Royal Pains