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Expedition Impossible: American Reality TV Series
Expedition Impossible is a 2011 American reality television series. The series follows thirteen teams of three competitors as they "solve problems while racing across deserts, over mountains and through rivers" across the nation of Morocco. Each member of the first team to cross the finish line after completing the ten stages of the competition will receive USD$50,000 and a new Ford Explorer.
Created by producer Mark Burnett and hosted by wildlife expert Dave Salmoni, the series premiered on ABC on June 23, 2011 to mild critical response.
Expedition Impossible Season 1 Episode 2 (Light My Way! ) airs: Thursday, June 30, 2011 at 9:00pm EDT on WABC (ABC). Synopsis of the episode: The teams must tame spirited horses and kayak down a river before facing an enlightening challenge.
Expedition Impossible