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Hoarding: Buried Alive: TLC Documentary TV Series

Hoarding: Buried Alive is an American documentary television series that premiered on TLC on March 14, 2010. The show follows hoarders through their life experiences and helps them learn to manage their illness.
Hoarding: Buried Alive takes the viewer into the personal lives of hoarders, focusing on how the mental illness has affected the individual and the family members. Each episode looks two different cases. It examines the history of the victim and takes time to interview family members. The show includes an extensive look at the items each person collects. Each hoarder receives treatment provided by both a therapist and a professional organizer. These professionals help them through the process of ridding their house of the hoard. By the end of the episodes, the hoarders typically have shown signs of improvement that make the viewer hopeful for their continuing success.
Hoarding: Buried Alive Season 4 Episode 1 (Surviving on Trash) airs: Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 8:00pm EDT on The Learning Channel. Synopsis of the episode: Traci is pregnant and desperate to move back home, but it's filled floor to ceiling with her mother's stuff.