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Memphis Beat: American Drama Series on TNT
The show follows Dwight Hendricks (Jason Lee), a crackerjack police detective who loves his mother, the blues, his city, and Elvis Presley and calls himself "the keeper of Memphis". His fierce dedication to his home town is offset by his easygoing approach to his job, an attitude that irks by-the-book Lt. Tanya Rice (Alfre Woodard), his new boss.
Memphis Beat Season 1 Episode 11 (At the River) airs: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 9:00pm EDT on Turner Network TV.
Memphis Beat Season 2 Episode 2 (Inside Man) airs: Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at 9:00pm EDT on Turner Network TV. Synopsis of the episode: An accountant assists in an investigation of a string of stolen safes; Whitehead decides to rebrand himself.
Memphis Beat Season 2 Episode 3 (Lost) airs: Tuesday, 28 June 2011 at 9:00pm EDT on Turner Network TV. Synopsis of the episode: A father seeks Dwight's help to find his missing daughter; Lt. Rice is not told an important piece of family news; Whitehead must brush up on his firearm skills.
Memphis Beat is an American drama series that debuted on TNT on June 22, 2010. Season 2 is set to begin airing on June 14, 2011.
Memphis Beat Season 2 Episode 5 (The Things We Carry) airs: Tuesday, July 12, 2011 at 9:00pm EDT on Turner Network TV. Synopsis of the episode: Rice decides to investigate when a beloved Memphis attraction burns down; Dwight and Paula drive to New Orleans; Dwight is determined to put suspicions about his father to rest.
Memphis Beat